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Gynaecology Clinic

Since CENTRAL PARK MEDICAL opened, our patients have depended on us to provide this valuable service. As a pillar of the medical options we offer a comprehensive, and personalised attention.​


Women's health Clinic is guided by the Gynecologist, Dra Carolina Tovar. Our aim is the preservation of wellness and prevention of illnesses in women. Assessments include screenings, diagnosis and the management of conditions that are unique in women.


Women's health also recognises a multidisciplinary team approach and includes the diversity of women's health needs over the life cycle. These needs reflect differences in race, class, ethnicity, culture, sexual preference and includes the empowerment of women, to be informed participants in their own health care.


Some of the services we offer:


  • Preconception consultation

  • Infertility consultation

  • General gynecological consultation

  • Preventive Gynaecological Medicine. Ovarian, endometrial, cervical, breast cancer screening

  • Gynaecological ultrasound

  • Contraception consultation. Insertion of Intrauterine + private consult out from the HSE scheme

  • Climacteric and Menopause consultation

  • Early pregnancy scan

  • NIPT Non-invasive pregnancy test

Women Volunteers
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